Austrade, together with all states and territories, is pleased to launch the fifth Study Australia International Student Sentiment Survey. This online survey is live and will remain open until Monday, 10 October 2022.
Survey responses will help us to understand the international student experience better, identify student needs and improve access to information and support services. Findings from the survey will be shared nationally, via the MIP Weekly Newsletter, in late 2022.
Since the first Study Australia International Student Sentiment Survey in July 2020, responses have been collected from over 16,000 international students. Importantly, these responses have helped inform the ongoing improvement of federal, state and territory information and services in support of international students.
Sincere thanks to those who promoted previous International Student Sentiment Surveys. We are now seeking your support once again. Social media tiles and the suggested promotional copy can be found below.
The Study Australia International Student Sentiment Survey link is live and will remain open until 9 am AEST, Monday, 10 October 2022. Australian education and training providers and their partners are invited to promote the survey to all current and prospective international students.
Key points:
The Study Australia International Student Sentiment Survey project demonstrates our care for international students’ well-being and our desire to understand their needs and concerns better. As part of the survey process, students are referred to the Study Australia website, which includes a broad range of information, digital tools and resources, with links to state and territory student support services.