Bachelors of Business
CRICOS Course Code 111606B
Hospitality Management
Information Systems
Human Services Management
Graduate Courses
Graduate Diploma
Graduate Diploma of Social Work
CRICOS Course Code 116824G
Graduate Diploma of Information and Communications Technology
CRICOS Course Code 116826E
Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
CRICOS Course Code 116823H
Master of Information and Communication Technology
CRICOS Course Code 116825F
Future Student
Admission Information
How to Apply
Advanced Standing
Policies and Procedures
Tuition Fee
Find an Agent
Frequently Asked Admissions Questions
Student Handbook
Orientation Program
Campus Facilities
Pre Arrival Guide
Current Student
OASIS – eLearning
Important Dates
COVID-19 Information
About SCI
Message from Chair
Organisational Chart
SCI Community
Company and Financial Documents
Financial Document
Company Registration
Student Association
Governance Structure
SCI Academic Excellence Scholarship
SCI Academic Excellence Scholarship 2023-24
SCI Academic Excellence Scholarship 2024
Contact Us
ESOS Framework
Bachelors of Business
CRICOS Course Code 111606B
Hospitality Management
Information Systems
Human Services Management
Graduate Courses
Graduate Diploma
Graduate Diploma of Social Work
CRICOS Course Code 116824G
Graduate Diploma of Information and Communications Technology
CRICOS Course Code 116826E
Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
CRICOS Course Code 116823H
Master of Information and Communication Technology
CRICOS Course Code 116825F
Future Student
Admission Information
How to Apply
Advanced Standing
Policies and Procedures
Tuition Fee
Find an Agent
Frequently Asked Admissions Questions
Student Handbook
Orientation Program
Campus Facilities
Pre Arrival Guide
Current Student
OASIS – eLearning
Important Dates
COVID-19 Information
About SCI
Message from Chair
Organisational Chart
SCI Community
Company and Financial Documents
Financial Document
Company Registration
Student Association
Governance Structure
SCI Academic Excellence Scholarship
SCI Academic Excellence Scholarship 2023-24
SCI Academic Excellence Scholarship 2024
Contact Us
ESOS Framework
New Student Orientation Registration Form
Student ID
Given Name(s)
Phone Number
Phone Number
Current Address
Unique Student Identifier (USI) Verification (If applicable)
To receive your Qualification or Statement of Attainment upon successful completion of your course, you will need to hold a valid USI. Select and complete one (1) of the following options.
Option 1 (Already have USI)
I already have a USI. I give SCI permission to verify my USI.
Your USI Number
Option 2 (Creating own USI)
I do not hold a USI. I will create my own USI account and provide my USI to SCI along with permission to verify my USI prior to my course completion.
I have read, understood, and agree to the SCI Unique Student Identifier Privacy Notice.
To create your USI visit:
Language and Cultural Diversity
In which country where you born?
Other – please specify
Country Name
Do you speak a language other than English at home? (If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often)
No, English only
Yes, other – please specify
How well do you speak English?
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, mark both ‘Yes’ boxes)
Yes, Aboriginal
Yes, Torres Strait Islander
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment, orlong-term condition?
If you indicated the presence of a disability, impairment or long-term condition, please describe your disability below :
Previous Qualification Achieved
Have you successfully completed any of the following qualifications?
Previous Qualification Achieved
Bachelor’s degree or higher qualifications
Certificate III (or trade certificate
Advanced diploma or associate degree
Certificate II
Diploma (or associate diploma)
Certificate I
Certificate IV (or advanced certificate/technician)
Certificates other than the above
Of the following categories, which best describes your current employment status?
Full-time employee
Employed – unpaid worker in a family business
Part-time employee
Unemployed – seeking work
Study Reason
Of the following categories, which best describes your main reason for undertaking this course?
To get a job
To get into another course of study
To try for a different career
To get a better job or promotion
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Details
OSHC Number
Provider Name
Expiry Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Information Disclosure
During your study at SCI, SCI may be approached by a third party enquiring about your course progress, results and/or attendance. Under SCI’s Privacy Policy students are required to provide authorisation to disclose information to non-regulating bodies. SCI will not supply a third party with a student’s personal details (e.g., address, contact information, age and medical information). At no time will your progress or results be provided or discussed with other students.
I do not want any information to be disclosed to a third party other than specific information to be provided to the Australian government under conditions of my visa or legislative requirements.
I give permission to SCI to disclose information relating to my academic progress, results and/or attendance to the following third parties :
Parent/s, guardians, or partner
My educational agent
Academic institutions that I apply to for future study (In Australia or international institutions – including colleges, registered training organisations and universities)
Parent/s, guardians, or partner
My educational agent
Academic institutions
During your study at SCI, you may be involved in various excursions or activities associated with your program of study.
I agree that I will abide by all rules and regulations established by the SCI staff/supervisor or by the owners or employees of any business visited during such excursions/activities
I understand the risks involved in participating in these excursions/activities.
I further understand that SCI, its agent, and employees expressly disclaim liability and responsibility for injury, death or damage to persons and personal equipment arising from my participation in excursions/activities.
Promotional Activities
During your study at SCI, photos may be taken of class activities and/or excursions.
I agree to SCI using my name, photograph, or any testimonial I have written for use in any advertising or promotional material.
Policies And Documents
I acknowledge that I have received, have access to, accessed, been informed of and understand the information presented in SCI policy documents , Student Prospectus, Student Handbook, Pre-arrival Guide and other relevant documents.
Student ID Card
I understand my responsibility regarding SCI Student ID card, access to electronic services – campus computers, internet, LMS etc. and that by completing my enrolment at SCI; I am bound by the conditions outlined in the SCI policies and agree to comply with those conditions.
Student Declaration/Signatures
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information supplied is correct and complete. I acknowledge that incomplete information may result in the application being returned to me